Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie 2019 World Pastry Champion - Malaysia Team

- *Philippine Culinary Cup 2018*
- * Gold Medal - Sugar Display - Chef Janelle Joy Toh*
- * Bronze - Chocolate Display - Chef Nicole Quidilla*
- * Bronze - Dress the Cake - Chef Claire Marie Apostol*
- *Sigep - Pastry Queen 2018, Italy*
- * Representative - Chef Janelle Joy Toh*
- *Top of Patissier in Asia 2017, China*
- * 5th Place - Chef Janelle Joy Toh*
- *Philippine Culinary Cup 2016*
- * Chef Janelle Joy Toh*
- * Gold Medal - Chocolate Display*
- * Silver Medal - Sugar Display*

- Asian Pastry Cup 2018 - 6th Position
- Asian Pastry Cup 2016 - 3rd Position
- Bronze medalist (Asian Pastry Cup, 2016) Singapore
- Best Chocolate Showpiece, Asian Pastry Cup 2016
- Most promising talent- Chef Mukesh Singh Rawat, Asian Pastry Cup 2016
- Junior Pastry India Cup champion 2016
- Gold medalist, Chocolate & Sugar Display
- The team will represent India in Junior Pastry Cup in Italy
- Students: Manjot Kalra & Arjun Gupta

- Silver Medalist (Asian Pastry Cup, 2016) Singapore
- Best Chocolate Cake, Asian Pastry Cup 2016
- * World Pastry Cup 2019*
- * World Pastry Champion 2019 * Chef Wei Loon Tan & Chef Ming Ai Loi*
- *Asian Pastry Cup 2018*
- * Asian Pastry Champion 2018** Chef Wei Loon Tan*
- *Mondial Des Arts Sucre 2018** 2nd Position in the World - Chef Kean Chuan*
- *World Pastry Cup 2017* * 6th Position in the World*
- *Asian Pastry Cup 2016** Silver Medal*
- *Mondial Des Arts Sucre, 2016** Best Entremet*
- *Mondial Des Arts Sucre, 2016** 2nd Position in the World*
- *World Pastry Cup, Lyon 2015** 4th Position in the World*
- *World Pastry Cup, Lyon 2015** Best Chocolate Display*
- * Asian Pastry Championship 2014** Representative*